
Verifying Authorship of AI-Generated Poetry with Timestamps: A Guide

ScoreDetect Team
ScoreDetect Team
Published underDigital Content Protection

Disclaimer: This content may contain AI generated content to increase brevity. Therefore, independent research may be necessary.

In the digital age, proving the originality of AI-generated poetry requires solid evidence, and timestamps offer a reliable solution. This guide outlines how leveraging timestamps and blockchain technology can authenticate authorship, ensuring creators can rightfully claim their work. Here’s a quick overview:

  • Understanding AI-Generated Poetry: AI uses vast poetry databases to create new poems, which, while technically proficient, may lack the emotional depth of human work.
  • The Need for Authorship Verification: As AI poetry becomes more common, establishing original creation becomes crucial.
  • Leveraging Timestamps for Proof: Digital timestamps serve as unchangeable records of when a poem was created, offering a clear trail of authorship.
  • Blockchain and Timestamping: Blockchain technology secures these timestamps, making them public and immutable records.
  • Authorship Verification Process: Simple steps to create, timestamp, and verify the originality of AI-generated poetry.

By understanding and utilizing timestamps and blockchain, creators of AI poetry can effectively protect and prove the originality of their work.

The Need for Authorship Verification

As more poems are made with AI, it’s important to be able to show who really made them. Without a way to do this, it could be hard to tell who owns an AI-made poem. Using timestamps is one solution. They help prove when a poem was made and who made it by keeping a secure record. This is helpful for anyone making poems, whether they’re using AI or writing on their own.

Leveraging Timestamps

What are Timestamps?

Think of timestamps like digital time stamps on a letter. They show exactly when something digital, like a poem or picture, was made or first seen. Here’s what makes them important:

  • They show the date and time very precisely, often down to tiny fractions of a second.

  • Computers create them using clocks that all agree on the time, so they’re accurate.

  • They become part of the behind-the-scenes info of digital stuff, sticking with it forever.

  • Once a timestamp is made, it can’t be changed. It’s a solid proof of when something first popped up.

Using timestamps helps prove when an AI-created poem came into being. This is super helpful for keeping track of who made what and when.

Blockchain and Timestamping

Blockchain is like a super secure, online record book that keeps track of timestamps in a way that nobody can mess with. Here’s why it’s cool for timestamping:

  • It lines up all the records in order, each with its own timestamp that can’t be changed.

  • It records the essence of a document (like a poem) without actually putting the whole thing online. This way, it proves the document existed at a certain time without sharing private details.

  • Anyone can add a timestamp to the blockchain by doing a simple online action. This means anyone can check it, making it super trustworthy.

  • Once something is on the blockchain, it’s there for good. You can’t edit or delete timestamps, so there’s no doubting the info.

For AI-written poems, using blockchain means you can show without a doubt that you were the first to make something. By putting a special code (hash) of your poem on the blockchain with its timestamp, you lock in its creation date forever. This is a strong way to claim your work and keep it safe, even if someone else comes up with something similar later. In short, blockchain is a powerful tool for proving who made what first in the digital world.

Authorship Verification Process

Verifying who made AI-generated poetry is pretty simple with timestamps. They’re like digital proof showing when something was created. Here’s what you need to do:

Creating Your AI Poetry

  • Pick an AI tool like Anthropic’s Claude or YouChat’s PoemBot to make your poem drafts.
  • Tweak these AI-made poems, adding your own flair.
  • Once you’re happy with a poem, consider it your original creation.

Generating Timestamps

  1. Put your finished AI poem files on a site like ScoreDetect.
  2. ScoreDetect will then use the blockchain to mark your uploads with a special timestamp.
  3. Keep the certificates from ScoreDetect safe. They have your timestamps that nobody can change.

Verifying Authorship

If someone questions if you really made your AI poetry:

  1. Show them your ScoreDetect certificates. These prove you made the poem first because of the timestamp.
  2. This timestamp is solid proof you were the creator.
  3. This way, everyone knows you made the work first, thanks to these trusted timestamps.

By following these steps, you can easily show where your AI poetry came from. Timestamps are like unchangeable marks that prove when you first made your work. They’re important for keeping your rights safe and making sure you get credit for your ideas and efforts.


Real-World Impact

Let’s look at how timestamps help solve who really made an AI-created poem first.

Case Study 1

Imagine a poet named Jane who uses an AI tool, Claude, to help write her poems. She wrote a poem called "Bittersweet" about love that didn’t last. Later, a guy named John published a very similar poem, "Sour and Sweet." John said he thought of his poem all by himself, without AI.

Jane used a service called ScoreDetect to show when she first made her poem with Claude. This service uses something called blockchain to prove when something was created. It showed that Jane’s poem came before John’s. When shown the proof, John admitted he might have been influenced by Jane’s poem after seeing it online.

This story shows that timestamps can clearly tell us who made something first, helping Jane prove her poem was original.

Case Study 2

Amanda writes poems with AI and puts them on her blog. She wrote "Ode to a Lost Summer," a poem about missing childhood. Soon after, another blogger, EnvyWrites, posted a very similar poem called "Innocence Lost."

Amanda had already used ScoreDetect to save her AI poem drafts. This meant she could prove she wrote "Ode to a Lost Summer" long before EnvyWrites did. After Amanda showed this proof, EnvyWrites removed the copied poem and acknowledged Amanda’s original work.

This example shows how using timestamps can protect a writer’s work from being copied without permission. It helped Amanda keep her rights to her poem.


Using timestamps for AI-generated poetry is a smart way to show who really wrote something first. This method is clear and trusted, and it helps sort out who owns creative work when AI is part of the process.

Here’s a quick rundown on why timestamps are great for people who create AI poetry:

  • Timestamps are like digital proof. They keep a record of when something first appears online, acting like a digital mark that shows when a poem was first created. For AI poems, this means it’s clear who wrote it first.

  • Blockchain makes records safe. When timestamps are stored on a blockchain, they become public records that nobody can mess with. This means the details about when a poem was first made can’t be changed, making them reliable proof.

  • It’s easy to do. Anyone can use services like ScoreDetect to make these trusted timestamps for their AI poetry. This makes it easy for both individuals and groups to prove when they made something.

  • It really works. The stories we shared show how timestamps can help creators prove they were the first to write something if there’s ever a question. This helps make sure the right person gets credit and keeps their rights protected.

In the world of AI and creativity, knowing who made something first is really important. Timestamps offer a simple and solid way to show who originally wrote AI poetry. They give creators a way to claim their work and ensure they’re recognized for their creativity. This is especially important in fields where being original and owning your work is key.

How can you tell if a writing is written by AI?

To spot if writing comes from AI, look for these clues:

  • Wrong or old info
  • It feels shallow or lacks personality
  • The same words get used a lot
  • Weird jumps between topics
  • Words that don’t sound quite right

AI is getting better at writing, but it’s still not as good as humans at understanding and expressing complex ideas.

What is the AI tool for writing poetry?

Claude by Anthropic is a popular tool for making poetry with AI. It knows a lot about different poems and helps come up with new ideas. Another tool, PoemBot from YouChat, helps finish poems that people start. These tools show that AI can help make poems, but people still add their special touch.

How to write an English poem?

Here’s how to write your own poem:

  1. Get inspired by what you feel or see around you.

  2. Pick a style, like a short haiku or a longer sonnet.

  3. Use creative language to share your ideas in a unique way.

  4. Try adding rhyme or repeating sounds if it fits.

  5. Keep working on it to make it better.

Making poems is a skill you get better at with time. Have fun trying different things!

What do you call a poem writer?

Someone who writes poems is called a "poet". A poet creates poems, which can be shared with others or just for themselves. If you write poems, you’re a poet!

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