
Copyright Basics: What Beginners Need to Know

ScoreDetect Team
ScoreDetect Team
Published underCybersecurity

Disclaimer: This content may contain AI generated content to increase brevity. Therefore, independent research may be necessary.

Here’s what you need to know about copyright protection right now:

What You Get When It Starts How Long It Lasts
Control over your work The moment you create it Your life + 70 years
Right to make copies No registration needed 95 years for companies
Right to sell/share Must be in physical/digital form 120 years max for work-for-hire

What’s Protected:

  • Books and writing
  • Music and recordings
  • Photos and art
  • Movies and videos
  • Software and code
  • Building designs

What’s Not Protected:

  • Basic ideas
  • Common facts
  • Standard phrases
  • Government documents

Here’s the thing: While copyright protection is automatic, registering your work ($35-85) gives you extra muscle:

  • Legal proof you own it
  • Up to $150,000 per stolen work
  • Ability to sue copycats
  • Get your legal fees paid

Want fast protection? Tools like ScoreDetect can timestamp your work on blockchain in 3 seconds while you wait for official registration (which takes 3-10 months).

Bottom line: Don’t wait until someone steals your work. The sooner you protect it, the better your chances of stopping theft and getting paid if someone copies you.

Here’s what you need to get copyright protection for your work:

Meeting Original Work Standards

Your work needs to come from YOU. And it needs a bit of creativity. The U.S. Supreme Court made this clear in Feist Publications, Inc. v. Rural Telephone Service Co., Inc.:

"To qualify for copyright protection, a work must be original to the author and must possess at least some minimal degree of creativity."

It’s NOT about making something 100% new. Just don’t copy other people’s stuff. Here’s what works:

Yes ✓ No ✗
Your photos Copied images
Your songs Phone book listings
Your artwork Basic calendar dates
Your blog posts Common phrases

Physical or Digital Format

Your work needs to exist somewhere people can see or use it:

Format What Counts
Physical Books, paintings, sheet music
Digital Websites, code, digital art
Recordings Music, videos, podcasts

Expression vs Ideas

Here’s the thing: Copyright protects HOW you share ideas, not the ideas themselves:

You Can Copyright You Can’t Copyright
Your story’s plot Basic story idea
Your exact code What the code does
Your song lyrics Song theme
Your design details Design concept

How Long Protection Lasts

Different works get different protection periods:

When Created How Long It Lasts
After Jan 1, 1978 Your life + 70 years
Before 1978 (published) 95 years from publication
Work for hire 95 years from publication or 120 years from creation
Joint works 70 years after last author’s death

For online content, tools like ScoreDetect help prove ownership with blockchain certificates – adding extra protection for digital works.

The U.S. Copyright Law gives creators 5 main rights over their work. Here’s what you can do:

Making Copies

You get to control who makes copies of your work – period.

Activity Examples
Digital Copies Putting music online, scanning books
Physical Copies Making photocopies, printing books
File Transfers Moving files between devices
Digital Backups Backing up software and files

Sharing and Selling

You decide exactly how people get your work:

Right What It Means
Sales Selling your books, music, art
Distribution Sharing work online or offline
Lending Letting others borrow your work
Commercial Use Using work to make money

Making New Versions

Want to change your work? That’s YOUR call:

Change Type Examples
Translations Turning English books into Spanish
Adaptations Making movies from books
Updates Creating new software versions
Remixes Mixing or mashing up songs

Public Use

You control when and where people see your work:

Type Examples
Live Events Music shows, plays
Digital Streaming Online videos, music
Public Displays Art shows, film screenings
Online Sharing Website content, social posts

Giving Permission

You set the rules for using your work:

Permission Type What It Covers
Licenses Legal OK for specific uses
Usage Rights Rules for using your work
Time Limits How long permission lasts
Geographic Scope Where people can use it

Tools like ScoreDetect help protect these rights by putting ownership proof on the blockchain. It’s like a digital timestamp that shows WHEN you made something.

Bottom line: You get these rights the moment you create something. But here’s the thing: registering your copyright gives you extra muscle if someone steals your work.

What Cannot Be Copyrighted

Here’s what you can’t lock down with copyright protection:


You can’t copyright an idea – only how you present it. Think of it like a recipe: anyone can make chocolate chip cookies, but your specific recipe instructions can be protected.

Can’t Copyright Can Copyright
Business idea Your written business plan
Story concept Your finished story
Game mechanics Your game’s text and art
Teaching concept Your lesson materials

Basic Facts

Facts belong to everyone. No one owns them.

Facts You Can’t Copyright Why
Sports scores Pure information
Math equations Scientific facts
Historical dates Public record
Standard measurements Common knowledge

"Facts do not owe their origin to an act of authorship." – From Seng-Tiong Ho v. Taflove

Public Information

Some things are just too basic to copyright:

Type Examples
Standard Tools Rulers, calendars
Basic Lists Phone directories
Simple Phrases "Have a nice day"
Public Data Birth records

Government Documents

Most U.S. government stuff is free to use:

Type Examples
Legal Docs Laws, court cases
Public Records Census info
Federal Content NASA photos
Official Text Government reports

Old Works

Copyright expires after a while:

Work Type Current Status
Pre-1927 works Now public domain
No copyright notice (pre-1989) Might be public domain
Creator dead 70+ years Public domain
Given up copyright Public domain

"Einstein’s theory of special relativity is not copyrightable because it’s an idea. But Einstein’s article explaining the theory? That WAS copyrightable." – U.S. Copyright Office

Bottom line: Can’t copyright these? Try patents, trademarks, or trade secrets instead. For stuff you CAN copyright, tools like ScoreDetect help prove ownership through blockchain.

Want to protect your work? Here’s what copyright registration does for you:

Benefits of Registration What It Means
Legal Evidence Proves your ownership
Court Access Lets you sue copycats
Money Recovery Get up to $150,000 if someone steals your work
Attorney Fees Make infringers pay your legal bills

What You Need + How to Do It

Here’s your registration checklist:

Item What to Do
Application Form Fill out at
Payment Pay the fee
Copy of Work Send digital file or physical copy
Basic Info When you made it, who made it
Publication Status Tell them if it’s published

The Registration Process

1. Set Up Your Account

Head to and create your eCO account.

2. Fill Out Your Application

Pick your work type and enter the details about who made it and when.

3. Send Your Work

Upload your files or mail physical copies (with the shipping slip).

Costs and Time

Here’s what you’ll pay:

Filing Method Cost
Single Author Online $35
Standard Online $55
Paper Filing $85
Special Handling $800

And how long you’ll wait:

Filing Type Processing Time
Online Registration 3-8 months
Paper Registration 8-10 months
Special Handling 5 business days

"The effective date of copyright registration will be the date the Copyright Office received the completed application, payment, and a copy of the work." – U.S. Copyright Office

Money-saving tip: Go with online filing. It’s cheaper AND faster than paper. If you’re registering digital content, use tools like ScoreDetect to watch for copycats while your registration processes.


Digital Protection Methods

Here’s how to stop people from stealing your digital content:

Digital Rights Control

DRM locks down your content. Here’s what it does:

Control Type What It Does
Access Limits Only lets approved people open files
Copy Blocks Stops people from copying text
Print Limits Controls who can print and how much
Time Locks Makes content stop working after a set time

Protection Tools

These tools keep your work safe:

Tool Type What It Does Real Example
Watermarking Stamps your name on content Adds user IDs to mark who opened it
Monitoring Spots when someone copies you Google Alerts finds stolen content
Copy Protection Stops theft before it happens WordPress plugins block copying
Takedown Services Gets stolen stuff removed AI tools that find and remove copies

Better Ways With Blockchain

Blockchain does something COMPLETELY different from old protection methods:

  • Shows EXACTLY when you made something
  • Creates a public ownership record
  • Can’t be faked or changed
  • Works for pretty much any file type

ScoreDetect: Content Verification Tool

ScoreDetect: Content Verification Tool

ScoreDetect makes blockchain protection simple:

Feature What You Get
Quick Setup Get proof in 3 seconds
Works Everywhere Protects posts, images, videos, PDFs
Change Tracking Sees every update you make
WordPress Ready Just install and go
API Option Connects to your other tools

What it costs: Basic DRM? $50-200 per month. Big systems? $500+. But ScoreDetect? Just $10.33 monthly if you pay yearly.

"The U.S. alone loses between $225 billion to $600 billion each year from content theft and counterfeiting." – United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Let’s break down what you can (and can’t) do with copyrighted content.

Fair Use Basics

You can use copyrighted work without asking in some cases. Here’s what works:

Activity OK to Use? Why?
Teaching Yes Sharing book parts in class
News Yes Using speech quotes
Research Yes Looking at study data
Reviews Yes Discussing movies/books
Making money No Using content in products

Works You Can Use Freely

Some content is free for everyone:

Type When Can You Use It? Examples
Public domain After copyright ends Old books, music
Government stuff Right away Federal reports
Basic facts Always Numbers, dates
Common info Always History, formulas

Work Created on the Job

Here’s who owns what:

Who Made It? Who Owns It? Key Point
Regular employee The company If done at work
Contractor The contractor Check the contract
Freelancer The freelancer Need written transfer
Team effort Everyone involved Split ownership

Multiple Creators

Things get tricky when people work together:

Type Ownership Must Have
Joint work Everyone Written deal
Band music Split Clear contracts
Team stuff Varies Early agreement
Partners By agreement Written rules

International Rules

Different countries handle copyright differently:

Where How Long? What’s Different?
US Life + 70 years Must register
EU Life + 70 years No registration
Canada Life + 50 years Extra rights
China Life + 50 years Own fair use rules

"Using someone’s work without OK is infringement." – Andrew D. Epstein, Esq.

Quick tip: Want global protection? Try ScoreDetect. It proves you own your work in most countries and helps stop copying before it starts.

Here’s what happens when someone uses your work without permission – and what you can do about it:

How to Spot Theft

People steal content in pretty obvious ways:

Red Flag What It Looks Like
Copy-and-paste Your exact words or images show up elsewhere
Tweaked content Minor edits to mask the copying
No attribution They don’t mention you as creator
Stripped watermarks Your ownership marks get edited out
For-profit use They’re making money from your work

What It Costs Them

Violation Example Fine
Direct copying Taking full articles $750-$30,000
File sharing Illegal music downloads Up to $150,000
Selling copies Profiting from stolen designs $750-$30,000
Changed works Edited photos without permission $750-$30,000
Mass piracy Movie download sites Up to $250,000

What Happens Next

Break copyright law and you’ll face:

Result Impact Timeline
Civil penalties $750-$30,000 per work Post-court decision
Criminal fines Up to $250,000 If done on purpose
Prison Up to 5 years Worst cases
Legal costs Court and lawyer fees During case
Content removal DMCA takedowns 1-3 days

What You Can Do

1. Get Your Proof

Save everything – screenshots, copies, dates. Build your case.

2. Send a Warning

Message the thief:

  • Show you own it
  • Point out their theft
  • Tell them to stop
  • Set a deadline

3. Report It

Site What to Do Wait Time
YouTube File DMCA 1-2 days
Facebook Report it 1-3 days
Instagram Copyright claim 1-3 days
Web hosts DMCA notice 1-3 days

Protect Your Work

Tools that help:

Tool What It Does Price
Watermarks Shows ownership Free-$20/month
DMCA badges Warns thieves Free-$10/month
ScoreDetect Proves ownership $10.33/month
Registration Official protection $45-65/work
Monitoring Finds stolen content $10-100/month

"The music industry lost billions to piracy through platforms like Napster until legal action shut them down." – Lars Ulrich, Metallica

Quick tip: Don’t wait for trouble. Use ScoreDetect now – it’s faster than copyright registration and works everywhere.

Here’s what you need to know about protecting your content online:

Web Content Safety

Protection Method What It Does When to Use
Copyright Notice Shows © symbol with year and owner Every webpage footer
DMCA Badge Warns potential thieves Homepage and content pages
Content Monitoring Tracks unauthorized copies Weekly checks
ScoreDetect Creates proof of ownership Before publishing content
Google Alerts Notifies about copied content Set up for key phrases

Social Media Rules

Each platform has its own rules. Here’s what you NEED to know:

Platform Key Rules Content Rights
Facebook Must own or have permission You keep rights but Facebook gets license
Instagram Commercial use needs releases Platform can use your content
Twitter Short posts hard to copyright You own tweets but Twitter gets license
Pinterest Must have rights to pin Users keep ownership
YouTube Need music/video rights Content stays yours but YouTube gets license

Content Sites

Want to publish content? Here’s who owns what:

Site Type Copyright Policy Protection Level
WordPress You own your content Basic built-in protection
Medium Writers keep rights Platform-level protection
Substack Full creator ownership Newsletter protection
Ghost Complete ownership Self-hosted protection

Online Sharing Rights

Think twice before sharing these:

Action Permission Needed? Risk Level
Linking to content No Low
Embedding posts Usually allowed Medium
Reposting full content Yes High
Using others’ images Yes High
Sharing news articles Depends on terms Medium

Global Web Rules

Breaking copyright laws gets expensive:

Region Key Laws Max Penalties
USA DMCA $150,000 per work
EU Copyright Directive Varies by country
UK Copyright Act Unlimited fines
Canada Copyright Act $20,000 per work
Australia Copyright Act $117,000 per work

"Permission, permission and permission are the three most important things to know about social media copyright." – Kelley Gordon, Partner at Marshall, Gerstein & Borun

How to Protect Your Work:

1. Check Before Using

Don’t use content without clear permission. Period.

2. Keep Records

Save everything:

  • When you created content
  • Permission emails
  • License agreements
  • Purchase receipts

3. Monitor Your Work

Track your content with:

  • Google Alerts
  • Copyscape
  • ScoreDetect certificates
  • DMCA monitoring

4. Act Fast

Found stolen content? Send takedown notices within 24-48 hours.

Tips for Content Makers

Record Keeping

Record Type What to Keep Storage Method
Creation Dates First drafts, revisions, final versions Digital timestamps via ScoreDetect
Ownership Proof Registration documents, contracts Cloud backup + local copy
Usage Rights Client agreements, licenses given Legal document storage
Source Files Original files, drafts, mockups Version control system
Communications Permission emails, client requests Email folder + backup

Safety Steps

Step Purpose Implementation
Watermarking Stop theft Add visible marks on images
Digital Certificates Show ownership Generate via ScoreDetect
Copyright Notice Mark as yours Add © symbol with year
File Protection Block copying Password protect PDFs
Monitoring Find copies Set up Google Alerts

Permission Types

Type Use Case Duration
One-time Use Single project Set end date
Limited License Specific platform 6-12 months
Full Rights Complete transfer Permanent
Non-commercial Personal use Ongoing
Exclusive Rights Single buyer Set term

Here’s the thing about protecting your content:

You NEED a system. Not just any system – one that actually works.

Let me break it down into 5 simple steps:

1. Track Everything

Save EVERY version of your work. Yes, even those rough drafts you’re not proud of. They’re proof you created it.

2. Make Rules Clear

Don’t leave room for confusion. Write down exactly who can use your work and how they can use it.

3. Watch Like a Hawk

Set up Google Alerts for your content. It’s like having a security camera for your work online.

4. Label Your Work

Put your name and © on EVERYTHING. Make it obvious who owns it.

5. Get Legal Help Fast

Don’t wait until someone steals your work. Talk to a lawyer BEFORE you have problems.

"If you’re spending the money to create and promote your course or your business, you want to make sure that you own the content and have the copyrights." – Yasmine Salem Hamdan, Intellectual Property Lawyer

The Money Side:

  • Copyright registration costs $45-$125 per work
  • Legal battles can cost up to $150,000 per stolen work
  • 70% of DMCA takedowns work without a lawyer

Bottom line: Protect your work NOW, or pay a lot more later.

Law Type Key Points Penalties
US Copyright Act (1976) – Protects original works automatically
– Covers 8 work categories
– Lasts creator’s life + 70 years
Up to $150,000 per work
Digital Millennium Copyright Act (1998) – Protects digital content
– Blocks tech protection bypassing
– Sets takedown rules
$200-$150,000 per work
Corporate Works – 95 years from publication
– 120 years from creation
– Whichever expires first
Same as individual works

Let’s break down what you CAN and CAN’T protect:

Protected Not Protected
Books & Articles Ideas & Concepts
Music & Lyrics Basic Facts
Photos & Art Short Phrases
Movies & Shows US Gov. Documents
Software Code Methods & Systems

Here’s how copyright works worldwide:

Agreement Countries Protection Length
Berne Convention 179 nations Life + 50 years min
WIPO Treaty 110+ nations Digital rights focus
TRIPS Agreement WTO members Trade-related IP

Digital protection comes in three main forms:

Protection Type What It Does Example Tools
DRM Systems Blocks copying Adobe DRM
Digital Watermarks Shows ownership ScoreDetect
Hash Verification IDs content Blockchain tech

Different licenses give different rights:

License Type You Can You Can’t
All Rights Reserved Nothing without asking Use anything
Creative Commons Share as specified Use commercially
Open Source Change code Keep source private

Break the law? Here’s what it costs:

Violation Type Civil Fines Criminal Penalties
Basic Infringement $750-$30,000 None
Willful Violation Up to $150,000 Up to 5 years jail
Multiple Works Per work fines $250,000 per offense

1. How Courts Handle Copyright

They check three things: Is there a valid copyright? Did the copier have access? Did they copy more than allowed?

2. What Copyright Holders Can Do

The law gives them power to:

  • Stop illegal use
  • Get paid for damages
  • Make violators pay legal costs

3. The Price of Breaking Copyright Law

It’s NOT cheap:

  • At least $750 per work
  • Up to $150,000 for intentional copying
  • Plus legal fees

"The three basic elements that a work must possess to be protected by copyright in the US are originality, creativity, and fixation." – U.S. Supreme Court

Bottom Line: Don’t mix up copyright and plagiarism. Copyright is federal law protecting works. Plagiarism is taking credit for someone else’s work.

Help and Tools

Here’s what you need to protect and track your content:

Registration Tools Description Cost
U.S. Copyright Office Portal Official registration system for copyright protection $65 per application
Electronic Copyright Office (eCO) Online system for registering up to 10 unpublished works $65-$85
DMCA Protection Service Badge and takedown services for websites Free – Premium plans
ScoreDetect Blockchain-based content verification and timestamping From $10.33/month

Want to know who’s using your content? These tools can help:

Tool Name Main Features Best For
Copyscape – URL-based duplicate content search
– Premium batch search
– Daily/weekly monitoring
Written content
Google Alerts – Free content monitoring
– Email notifications
– Custom search terms
All content types
TinEye – Reverse image search
– Image use tracking
– Visual match alerts
Copysentry – Automated scanning
– Email alerts
– PDF/Word support
Text content

Here’s how different proof systems stack up:

Method How It Works Processing Time
Copyright Registration Official government record 3-10 months
Blockchain Timestamping Digital fingerprint creation ~3 seconds
Digital Watermarking Embedded ownership data Immediate
PDF Documentation Screenshot compilation Manual process

Found someone stealing your content? Here’s what to do:

Step Action Timeline
1 Document theft with screenshots Immediate
2 Send Cease & Desist Letter 2-5 days response time
3 File DMCA takedown notice 24-72 hours
4 Contact hosting provider 1-7 days
5 Submit search engine removal request 1-4 weeks

Need legal help? Start here:

Resource Type Where to Find Purpose
Copyright Office Help Registration guidance
DMCA Services Takedown assistance
Whois Lookup Website owner info
Legal Directory Copyright attorneys
Forms Database Official documents

Quick Tip: Document EVERYTHING about your content – creation dates, registration info, the works. You’ll thank yourself if you ever need to prove it’s yours.


Here’s a breakdown of copyright protection basics:

Key Area What You Should Know
Protection Start Kicks in the moment you create something physical
Duration Your life + 70 years (95 years for company works)
What’s Protected Books, music, art, films, software, databases, maps
What’s Not Protected Ideas, basic facts, government docs
Registration Benefits Legal backup, public record, lawsuit rights

Your Copyright Powers:

Right What It Means
Copy Make duplicates of your work
Share Distribute or sell your stuff
Change Create new versions
Show Display work publicly
Perform Present work to audiences

Ways to Protect Your Work:

Method Time Cost
Copyright Registration 3-10 months $65-$85
Digital Timestamping Seconds $10-50/month
Content Monitoring Right away Free-$100/month
Legal Documentation 1-2 weeks $500-2000

When Someone Steals Your Work:

Step What to Do What Happens
Document Grab proof Build your case
Contact Send takedown notice Content gone in 72 hours
Report Tell hosting provider Site down in 1-7 days
Sue Take legal action Get $750-30,000 per work

Legal Stuff You Should Know:

What Details
U.S. Law Copyright Act of 1973
Global Reach 170+ countries through Berne Convention
Requirements Must be original with basic creativity
Registration Not required but smart for lawsuits
Penalties Up to $30,000 per work (more if on purpose)

Here’s what matters:

  • Your rights start when you create
  • Registration makes proving ownership easier
  • Protection lasts a LONG time
  • You can’t copyright ideas – just how you express them
  • Digital tools help track copycats

BTW: New tech like ScoreDetect uses blockchain to verify content in 3 seconds flat – WAY faster than old-school registration that takes months.


Here’s what you need to know about copyright protection and registration:

Question Answer
What makes something copyrightable? • You created it yourself
• It exists in physical/digital form
• Protection starts when you make it
• Stays protected for your life + 70 years
How do I get official copyright? • Submit form at
• Pay $35-$55
• Send your work samples
• Wait 3-10 months
What can I do with my copyright? • Make copies
• Sell or share it
• Create new versions
• Show it publicly
• Perform it publicly

Getting Your Work Protected

Step What Happens How Long It Takes
Fill Out Forms Complete application online 30-60 mins
Pay Fee $35-$55 depending on what you’re registering Right away
Send Copies Upload or mail 1-2 copies With your form
Wait Copyright Office reviews everything 3-10 months
Get Certificate Arrives in mail after approval 2-3 weeks

Protection Options Compared

Type You Get You Don’t Get
Basic (No Registration) • Instant copyright
• Can use © symbol
• Control your work
• Can’t go to court
• No damage payments
• No lawyer fee coverage
Full Registration • Official ownership record
• Right to sue
• Up to $150K per violation
• Registration costs money
• Takes months
• Must give up copies

Want quick protection while you wait? Digital tools like ScoreDetect can timestamp your work on the blockchain in 3 seconds flat. It’s not the same as registration, but it proves when you created something.

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